Educational Translation Services

January 17, 2024

Looking for Professional Educational Services NYC? We've Got You Covered!
Diploma, Transcript, Academic Records, Educational Translation Services NYC
If you are planning to get a prestigious work abroad, obtain or continue your education in a foreign institution, or upgrade your qualifications and legalize your higher education, you will need the assistance of the professional translation agency that provides educational translation services NYC.
At A-DOCS, INC., we provide our clients with fast, affordable, and accurate educational translation services NYC. We will gladly assist you with your diploma translation and transcript translation from almost any language into the English and vice versa.

Educational Translation Must Meet Specific Requirements!
A-DOCS, INC. has a rich experience in translating educational documents for different countries, and all educational institutions accept all of our translations. However, some colleges and universities have their own rules and requirements. So, if the educational institution provided you with specific requirements for the diploma translation or transcript translation, please let us know, and we will gladly comply with them.
Page Layout
Educational translation is not just a translated text. We always strive to make the translated document look exactly like the source document. It is way more convenient for the university, college, or the USCIS official to compare the original text with the translation provided. We, at A-DOCS, INC., always keep tables’, columns’, and seals’ location at the same place as they appear in the original document.

Translation for Target Audience
To ensure the accuracy, first, our linguists will compare the university’s name, major, and the department’s name with the official website of the university or another source. And only after that, we will start working on the diploma translation or transcript translation. Then our editor will proofread the entire translation. The editor will change the literal translation with its equivalent used in the country where the academic record will be used. By far not every translation agency would provide such accurate educational translation services NYC.
My primary goal is to exclude the literal translation and to adapt it for the target audience. For example, if we take the educational specialization (profession), it is better to use the word “major” rather than the literal translation “focus area.” For example, if we will use “Russian History” instead of “National History,” it will improve the translation. There will be no need to guess the history of which country was studied.
I proofread thousands of translations where the word “passed” was used instead of “credit.” If you keep the word “passed,” most likely, it will be difficult for the student to get his credits. So, this is EXTREMELY important, and we do pay attention to such details.
The translator should always keep in mind the target audience. British or Americans (in fact, all foreigners) will rely on their knowledge and the format of the Diplomas issued in their countries. Thus, the adaptation of the translated document to the target audience is very important.
– Victor B., Translator and Editor. English Language, Russian Language, Ukrainian Language
Educational systems in America and Germany are very different. For example, the American grade “credit” is often translated as “bestanden.” However, in German, such grade means “the lower level of the admissible grade.” So, to avoid such major misunderstanding (and considering recommendations of my colleagues who are German native speakers), I’ use the closest analog of the “credit” grade – “Testat.” America and Germany have different meanings of scientific degrees, too. However, the governments of Germany and Russia announced a mutual recognition of academic degrees, whereas Ph.D. shall be translated as “Doktor,” and Doctor of Science shall be translated as Dr. habil.
– Anastasia A. Translator and Editor. German Language, English Language, Polish Language

How Much Does Our Educational Translation Services NYC Cost?
Wondering how much our educational translation services NYC cost? The price for diploma translation always varies depending on the volume of work and the number of disciplines in the transcript. The price also includes:
A copy of the document
Please contact us now to get your FREE quote for educational translation services NYC within minutes.
How Long Will It Take to Translate My Academic Records?
Translation of academic records usually takes anywhere from 1 to 3 business days. It depends on the source language of the document.
Contact us today at (718)-730-4343 or by Email: [email protected] and get your FREE quote for fast and reliable educational translation services NYC!
A-DOCS, INC. Translation and Apostille Services
414 Brighton Beach Ave, Suite 2, Brooklyn, NY 11235
Our Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 10 AM – 6 PM